一個剛從國外回來的朋友想購買熱門商品[整新品促銷到1月25] DYSON DC58無線吸塵器 V6 Trigger 同台灣 DC61 [迷你電動吸頭選購]便宜

Product Description
Dyson DC58 Handheld Vacuum CleanerDC58
Picks up fine particles all around the house
Hygenic Bin Emptying
V6 Trigger Handheld Vacuum CleanerV6 Trigger is Dyson’s latest handheld vacuum cleaner. It’s powered by the Dyson digital motor V6, which spins up to 110,000 times a minute – up to 3 times faster than conventional motors. This 350W motor has a higher wattage than its predecessor and contributes to the machine’s ability to produce powerful suction. V6 Trigger is the most powerful handheld vacuum. Delivering fade-free power, V6 Trigger has a re-engineered nickel manganese cobalt battery that has been customized to provide the level of powerful suction and battery life that the machine needs. It recharges up to 3 times faster than others and delivers a run-time of 20 minutes’ powerful suction. It also has a Boost mode which provides 6 minutes of higher suction power at the push of a button. Dyson engineers put the same thought into designing tools as Dyson machines. V6 Trigger comes with a Mini motorized tool for tough tasks such as removing hair and dirt from upholstery and confined spaces. V6 Trigger also comes with a combination accessory tool which converts to a brush tool for dusting and spot cleaning, and a crevice tool for cleaning in tight gaps. As well as cleaning around the home, V6 Trigger is ideal for cleaning throughout the car or boat – upholstery, beneath seats and in storage spaces.限時優惠Patented Dyson TechnologyDyson engineers are constantly testing and inventing, trying to find new ways to make their technology work better. As they work, they file patent applications to protect their inventions from copycat manufacturers. That’s why the only place you’ll find Dyson technology is inside a Dyson machine. Dyson handheld vacuum cleaners use patented Dyson cyclone technology, which spins the air at incredibly high speeds. The cyclones inside a Dyson vacuum cleaner generate centrifugal forces many thousands of times the force of gravity. Dust, dirt and pet hair are flung out of the airflow and straight into the bin.V6 Trigger Handheld TechnologyDyson engineers find ways to make things work better. They improve existing technologies and invent new ones. The V6 Trigger handheld vacuum has two key Dyson technologies: the Dyson digital motor V6 and 2 Tier Radial cyclones. V6 Trigger is powered by the Dyson digital motor V6. This power-dense 350W motor spins at up to 110,000rpm – up to three times faster than conventional motors. This contributes to V65 Trigger’s ability to produce such powerful suction. Dyson has been continually refining cyclone vacuum technology since inventing it more than 20 years ago. V6 Trigger has new 2 Tier Radial cyclones – an 產品描述
Dyson dc58掌上型真空吸塵器
評價 V6觸發掌上型真空吸塵器
Dyson的工程師找到使事情更好的工作方式。他們改進現有科技,發明新技術。觸發的V6掌上型真空有兩個關鍵技術:Dyson Dyson數字式電機V6和2層徑向旋流器。V6觸發器是由Dyson數字式電機的V6動力。比傳統電機功率密度350W電機的旋轉速度高達110000rpm–多達三次。這有助於V65觸發的能力,產生?大的吸力。戴森公司自20多年前發明它不斷精煉龍捲風真空科技。V6觸發器新2層徑向旋流器–15氣旋的安排,並行工作,在兩層。每一個龍捲風除塵器都被重新設計,以新增氣流,產生高離心力,捕捉細塵。氣流通過一個筦道直接進入到球,最大限度地提高吸力的龍捲風組件的中心。骯髒的空氣進入外旋,繞著一個垂直軸旋轉,產生離心力,將較大的碎片和頭髮從氣流中扔到垃圾箱。外龍捲風內的一個罩意味著它捕捉到更大的碎片,允許內部氣旋的精細捕獲細塵。然後,空氣通過15個內部的龍捲風並聯工作。渦流手指引導空氣從內部氣旋?少湍流和譟音。
熱賣中 裝運重量:4.8磅
優惠專區 產品型號:V6(同dc58)
What's in the Box?
商場百貨 V6 Trigger Handheld Vacuum
Operating Manual
Quick Start Guide
Combination Accessory Tool
Crevice Tool
NMC Battery

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